A Special Mother's Day

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A day that started out as a little bit of a bummer turned out to be great. Frank had to work from 7am until 10pm with a two hour break in between – just long enough to catch a nap. Frank made sure to bring me home a card and some flowers to make sure that I felt special, but it was tough knowing that he had to go back to work. I anticipated a quiet day with just me and the boys. We had just gotten home from church when a friend of mine called and asked if we would like to join her and her family for a fun day at the Philly Zoo! I was so excited. I have been wanting to take the boys to the zoo for a long time now and have not had the opportunity!

I gave Michael an early lunch and put both boys down for a nap before our big adventure. By early afternoon, we packed up and headed out. Both of the boys had so much fun. The weather was great, so we did the outside exhibits. We were able to see some elephants, giraffes, zebras, monkeys, rhinos, hippos, lions and tigers – just to name a few!

Our friends were so thoughtful to include us in their special family outing. Again, I am feeling really blessed to have such amazing friends!

This turned out to be an extra special day! We can’t wait to go back again sometime when Frank can join us. Michael will love showing daddy all the animals that he saw!

I hope all of you mothers had a very special day!