Sleep Your Way Thin!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

This was the title of an article I recently read in the Parenting magazine. A new study at Harvard Medical School has concluded that "moms who slept five hours a day or less were three times more likely to retain extra baby weight by their baby's first birthday than those who slept seven hours a day." They continued to say that catnaps count too!

I think we can all agree that it is nearly impossible for us to get that full seven hours of sleep the first few months after giving birth. But, I do also think that this means that we are to catch up. I can't imagine "having to" take a nap each day with the boys! But, if it's gonna help...... :-)

I should mention that if you try to call me and I don't answer, just leave a voicemail. I'm obviously trying to "force" myself to take a nap. You should do the same!


Tanya said...

I can't wait for the day when my boys nap at the same time!!! I'm lucky if they overlap by 30 min. :(