New Method for Hair Removal

Sunday, June 8, 2008

All you girls out there will appreciate this! I feel a bit guilty posting this, but it's just so funny that I can't resist! :-)

A few days ago I happened to be working on the computer while Michael was playing with his toys. I noticed that he had picked up a small roll of blank address labels. He absolutely loves stickers, so I tore off about a dozen of them for him to play with. It's always humorous to see where he ends up sticking them. When he gets stickers from his pediatrician's office, his favorite spot to stick them is his pants. Well, now that the warm weather has arrived, I have been dressing him in shorts. Do you see where this is going yet? Anyway, about 20 minutes later, I sat down on the floor to play with him for a little while and noticed that he had lined one leg with all of the stickers.

Most of you know that my little one is a bit on the hairy side (or as Frank says - looks like a rug when he's laying down!) As soon as I saw this, my heart just sank. I knew what had to be done. My first thought was to have him pull them off himself so that I wouldn't be the one inflicting the pain. Brilliant idea, except for the fact that he wouldn't do it. He kept saying 'mama help'. Ugh! I thought about it for a few minutes and decided that fast was the way to go - isn't that what everyone always says? So, I tried to explain to him that I was going to pull it off fast and just as I finished telling him - I yanked the first one off. The poor thing yelped a bit and then looked at me sternly and said "No! Slow!" Great! Not only will he not help me out here, but now he's telling ME how to do it! I finally decided he should have a bit of say, so I tried pulling the next one off slowly. Honestly, I don't think that it really made much of a difference how we pulled them off - it was gonna hurt no matter what we did. Anyway, we finally got them all off and at this point, I highly doubt that he'll be putting stickers on his legs any time soon!

In this picture, you can kinda see the hair that was removed! OUCH!!!


Tanya said...

Awww... the look on his face is like "what in the world is so great about this mom that you need to take my picture?" Poor little guy.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Oh no!!


Shelli said...

I know guys! My poor baby!

Jenster said...

Hearing you tell it was one thing, but to see the pictures... Poor guy. :o)