The Last Time I Cried...

Friday, June 20, 2008

As some of you know, my amazing hubby is a pastor (Director of Adult Ministries) at CCV. Recently, our youth pastor left and Frank has stepped up to lead this additional ministry until we find a replacement. To help carry the load, the church has brought on 4 wonderful interns to help him out. Sometimes they hang out at our house and last week when we had them over for dinner, Frank led us through an interesting discussion. He calls it 'The Hot Seat'. Basically, the person on the hot seat is asked a question (of any topic) by each person in the group. Nothing is off-limits. I wanted to post about one of the questions that was asked of me - When was the last time you cried and why?

For me, this was an easy question. It just so happened that I had cried the evening before. I had an amazing experience and was so touched by some individuals' generosity that I was overcome with emotion.

Our oldest son, Michael, had a number of challenges during that first year of his life that led to two surgeries and numerous hospitalizations. Since then, he has received some great therapy and almost overcome the delays that resulted from those challenges. Very soon, he will be caught up to his peers. One of the last areas that he is a little behind is core muscle strength. We noticed this when we saw him attempt to ride a tricycle. His physical therapist had recommended an organization called Ambucs that specializes in creating tricycles for individuals with special needs. We met with several representatives from Ambucs last Thursday night. I went to the meeting thinking that they may evaluate him and agree that he qualified for a specialized tricycle and then put him on the waiting list. Instead, we went home with one!!! We were all in tears as we saw my little angel get on the tricycle all by himself and independently ride around the room. He was so proud of himself! Here is a picture below of his first ride around our neighborhood on his new tricycle...with Lightning McQueen, of course!


Jenster said...

Very cool!! I'll have to "happen" by the house some day while he's riding so I can see for myself!

By the way - he was absolutely adorable this afternoon. I don't believe I've ever seen him quite so smiley! Made me just as smiley.

beans said...

That's great!!